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Removing negative amazon reviews

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Removing negative amazon reviews

Negative reviews are something that every seller on amazon will encounter. No matter how you try to meet the needs of your customers, there will always be someone who is unhappy and willing to express their opinion in a negative review. Unfortunately, very often bad customer reviews have a real impact on your sales and thus profits. Is it possible to remove them? If so, how can this be done? How can we help you? We explain everything below!

Why have I received a negative review?

usuwanie opinii na Amazon

As a rule, every seller cannot understand why they get negative feedback when they sell good quality products at a good price. Unless there is a persistent customer, it is quite possible that there was some mistake or negligence on the part of the seller. Negative reviews are most common in the following cases:

Negative merchant and product reviews

usuwanie negatywnych opinii na Amazon

Negative reviews on amazon can be divided into two types. The first one is about your person, i.e. the merchant. Every buyer within three months of purchase can mark their satisfaction with the cooperation by using a star rating. He evaluates the customer service, your commitment to shipping and includes his feelings during the purchase. In addition, he will be able to answer a few short questions and leave a comment. If you receive less than three stars, it is a negative review.

Product reviews, on the other hand, are closely related to what you sell and ship. In case the product is not as described, is out of stock, or you don’t have it in stock, but the ad still appears, then you can have a customer give you negative feedback.

Can negative customer reviews be removed?

Negative customer reviews can be removed. Except that they must be in violation of Amazon’s terms and conditions. It is much easier to remove negative seller reviews because there is a possibility that the customer made some kind of mistake while rating. This can happen in the following way:

On the other hand, if the negative reviews are about the product, they do not comply with the terms and conditions when:

How do I remove a negative review?

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To remove a negative review, you must take the appropriate steps. However, keep in mind that amazon employees will not always consider your request positively. Especially if you will not have something to back up your words and thus prove that the negative comment does not rightfully apply to you. The first way to solve the problem is to ask amazon to remove the feedback. To do this, you can use your merchant account. In the Performance section you can find the Feedback tab and from there copy the ID of the feedback you want to delete. In the next step, contact amazon support via the chat box. After that, you just need to select the options you are interested in and provide a reason why a specific review should be deleted.

How to deal with negative reviews – Method #2

Another way to solve the problem is a direct message to the buyer. In the Feedback tab, find the feedback you are interested in and click on Resolve and then Contact Customer. Now you can respond to the feedback. When you are done, click send email and wait for the customer to respond. Pamiętaj, że kontakt poza platformą amazon jest zabroniony. Remember that contact outside the amazon platform is prohibited. So, you cannot ask the buyer to send you e mail messages or contact you on social media. You also cannot give your contact information to the customer yourself. You can also use this way for negative product reviews.

Obsługa sprzedaży i wysyłki na Amazon

One last way to have a negative amazon review deleted

In case you can’t find a solution and the creator of the negative feedback is not willing to work out a compromise, then you can reply directly below the comment. It will be best if you try to respond fairly neutrally, thus not starting an unnecessary discussion. Also, keep in mind that other buyers can see your posts.

If the negative review is about the product, then you can also reply directly. When you can convince the customer, they have a chance to change their opinion.

Why should you use our customer service?

For us, customer service is primarily your satisfaction, and for this you certainly need a whole bunch of positive reviews. Therefore, we will make sure that you do not lack them. When you start working with us, it will be our job to respond to negative feedback from your customers and look for the right solutions. From our side you can count on complete commitment and professionalism. We know how important customers’ opinion is for effective sales, that is why we will take care of correspondence service on the highest level. Contact us at the right time and you will not regret your decision!

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